ND: Yag Vein Treatment
Spider veins are known medically as telangiectasia. They are small red or purplish/blue veins near the surface of the skin and look like a 'spider's web', hence the name spider veins. The veins most commonly appear on the calves, ankles, thighs and face. The gold standard treatment for spider veins is laser therapy. No injections are required.
How does it work?
The treatment is undertaken by a medical professional such as a nurse of doctor. You will be given special protective goggles to wear during the treatment. The skin surrounding the area to be treated is cooled before and after treatments. Then, a focused beam of light is used to target a vein. The laser heats up the blood in the blood vessel which then coagulates in the vessel, causing the vein to collapse and seal, without doing any damage to the surrounding surface area of the skin. The vein is reabsorbed by scavenging cells in the body. The majority of spider veins will disappear in two to four weeks. It is by far, the safest and cheapest vein removal treatment option and is completely non-invasive-no needles!
Can any laser be used to treat spider veins?
No, the laser used to treat veins is the Nd-YAG laser. This laser treatment uses a specialised vascular laser that specifically treats the deeper tissues and longer vascular structures (veins) that other lasers fail to reach. It is used to treat vascular lesions such as red spots, veins and spider veins as well as rosacea.
What precautions should I take?
Sun exposure must be avoided before and after the laser treatments. A good quality broad spectrum sun block needs to be worn at at all times when outdoors. Spray tans and artifical tanning creams need to be avoided for 2 weeks prior to each treatment. Also, no creams or cosmetic products should be worn on the day of treatment. Loose clothing should be worn if leg veins are being treated.
How do I know if I am a candidate for treatment?
All clients are evaluated during the consultation for symptoms of varicose veins. Spider veins do not cause any symptoms and are of cosmetic concern only. Clients who have symptoms of varicose veins will require further investigations undertaken to ensure they do not have varicose veins.
How many treatments are required and when?
Depending on the size and number of the veins, on average, three laser treatments are required to treat spider veins. Some clients may get clearance with less or more treatments. The recommended spacing between laser treatments is four to eight weeks apart. Clients with a tendency towards spider veins may require subsequent treatments in the future when new veins appear.
What can I expect?
Immediately after the procedure, you will notice a slight bump on the skin. This usually disappears within a few hours after the treatment. The skin above the treated veins will have a reddish 'cat scratch' appearance. This usually disappears within a day or two. There may also occasionally be some bruising. The pain is usually minimal after treatments. Over the counter analgesics (pain killers) may be taken if required. There is no down time and normal activities can be undertaken afterwards. You may go straight to work after treatments.
How long until I see results?
The results of laser treatment for spider veins are not always immediate. Some veins will disappear at the first treatment, others may take two or three treatments to see a response. The blood vessels under the skin will gradually change from a dark blue to a light red colour, then eventually disappear within two to six weeks. Most clients report a high degree of satisfaction with the results and relief that they do not need to hide unsightly veins. The treated areas are notably clearer, and in most cases, continue to improve with each successive treatment.
Is the laser treatment permanent?
Yes, veins that have disappeared will not come back. The removal of existing veins will dramatically improve the appearance of the affected area, leaving a more youthful, healthy look with a more even colour to the skin. Clients who have a lot of spider veins tend to grow more new ones in the future, which can easily be removed with periodic maintenance treatments.
What are the advantages?
- Less treatments are required than sclerotherapy (injections)
- It is less traumatic to surrounding skin.
- It takes much shorter time to complete laser therapy.
- It is less painful than sclerotherapy or surgery.
- Recovery is immediate.
- There is no down time-you can go straight to work afterwards.
- Laser can be used on the face.
What is the cost?
The cost of vein removal starts at $150 per treatment for a 15 minute session. One area at a time can be undertaken every 2 weeks to minimize the upfront cost if large areas are to be treated.
Does laser treat Rosacea?
Rosacea is an inherited condtition that causes diffuse redness and bumps on the face, most commonly on the cheeks, nose and chin. There is no cure for rosacea, however it can be kept under control with periodic laser treatments.
Varicose or deeper veins can not be treated.

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